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How to select engineering plastics

Author: ComeFrom: Date:2024/5/15 9:55:20 Hits:140
One of the most important requirements for the development and production of a satisfactory finished product is the rational and economical selection of materials at the lowest cost. The selection step consists of the following major processes:
1. Analysis of material application problems: This requires research on use requirements, including the implementation of functions, the requirements of actual characteristics, and the restrictions of application conditions.
2, the material in the application, the demand for its properties into material characteristics: because the practical problems are more than simple, so in addition to some necessary material tests, and simulation performance tests, experience and observation of other situations on the actual use of materials is still helpful.
3, the selection of candidate materials: once the properties of the required materials are clearly defined, the remaining selection step is to research and find the materials that best meet those properties. The selection of candidate materials is to first consult the material properties of the data, of course, it is not possible to do a survey of several kinds of application materials, and it is not necessary to do so, based on past experience and simplification of the premise, roughly investigate the entire grade of filter materials, so in fact, the selection of starting usually contains only a part of all possible materials. Then, according to the requirements of the basic purpose, the selection of candidate materials is narrowed down for later detailed evaluation, and at the same time, it is necessary to determine that there should be no missing selection items.
Next:Purpose and steps of selection of engineering plastics


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